Saturday, April 10, 2010


The twinkling of stars on a balmy night,
The gabble of geese as they take flight,
A passionate look in your lover’s eye,
The graceful ballet of a butterfly.

Living on the edge, in a committed way,
Facing all challenges day by day,
Your life on the line—to do, not just try,
Life is exciting—a natural high.

Failure and boredom appear in your life;
Unhappiness cuts you, just like a knife.
“Where are all the good times,” you cry;
Is life just hard, and then you die?”

The freshening feel of an ocean breeze,
The colors of change in the leaves on the trees,
The feeling of peace as the days go by,
Life's a dazzling puzzle—and we don’t know why.


Fear of a mound,
tumbling down
on the half-buried, half dead
archives of desires, comes
like a stampede of hoops on my chest.
I lie alone in a desert of insanity.

From the sea of agony
one dropp of salted tear,
the title of a wasted life, brings
the blood stained truth.
I want to wash my eyes again.

To watch the autumn leaves falling
on impeccable stones
for forgiveness.
We were not the fruits.

A song of blind water
enters the earth
to kiss the roots,
foo giving liberation from
sun leaked night.

A Feeling

As we stroll among the trees at night,
rising from the earth, reaching the stars as
strong giants that they are, we feel significant
and protected by their awesome size.

Feeling life’s passion breeding within our hearts,
immersing our faces with contentment,
and filling our souls with joy, as gentle
breezes manipulate spears of moonlight
through the leaves.

Oh, wishing these moments could be sustained and kept to be recalled in a twinkling of an eye to take us to that place, that moment, that feeling, that time.

Child In Him

I loved the child in him
so innocent and sweet
The mischief in his eyes
the blush upon his cheek
The tender way he spoke
that showed me that he cared
The touch of his warm hand
that gently touched my hair
The smiles that we shared
that filled my life with glee
For when I was with him
I found the child in me

Friday, April 9, 2010


Suspended twixt day and night
With the evening breezes singing -
The magic hour of twilight.

The earth and sky are listening,
The world is at peace
With the evening breezes singing

Twilight, the hour of ease;
All Nature wants to rest
The world is at peace.

Time to return to the nest
As the night time gathers around
All Nature wants to rest

By the fireside, prayers abound
It's time to sing the Vesper
As the night time gathers around

The breezes benediction whisper
Suspended twixt day and night
It's time to sing the Vesper
In the magic hour of twilight



The four walls fortifying the realms
make it to yell beyond the walls,
The fetters that build it to quell
the fondle triggers a wobbly,
Staggering changeling.

This child edifies the natures
statue that which bonds
till the pyre, an incredible
Crinkle deep in the roots,
An infamous urge to
Crackle the chains.

A passionate bird that
migrate miles ;
A jubilant dolphin
that divulge to ether;
A giraffes head
that jettisons out;
All of these are
Mothers credential.

A Lone Soul

A lone soul
Riding on waves,
amidst sparkling waters,
seeing thru the railings
was a lone soul.

Under the bridge,
by the sidwalk
seated on a bench-
'twas me, musing on the whole

No moon, just the clouds;
concrete hills on the side
halogen shining
high up on the pole.

Sudden shouts, party songs,
a happy boat whizzes by,
with a soulful melody in the heart-
the lone soul walks by.